If you are being constantly plagued by a returning mold problem on your bathroom ceiling, this article will shed some light on how to get rid of mold and the easiest ways to handle it quickly. If you are truly trying to do bathroom mold removal and not simply looking to cover it up, you must kill the mold before removal can be successful. If the area is completely damaged beyond cleaning, then you may actually have to replace the affected surface areas.
Before you attempt to clean mold on bathroom ceiling surfaces, you should assess the size of the damaged areas and be certain you can handle it yourself.
Generally speaking, any area under approximately 10 square feet can be considered as a small problem and is usually doable by even the modestly handy person if the proper procedures are followed. If the area is much larger than that, then you may wish to consult professional help if replacement becomes necessary.
The safety equipment listed below is the minimum that will be needed for the mold removal in bathroom from any surface to ensure the protection of your own health.
1. Ventilated goggles to keep the spores out of your eyes
2. Heavy rubber gloves to protect your skin
3. 3M N-95 face mask
4. Long pants and sleeves to protect skin from exposure
Before beginning the bathroom ceiling mold removal process there are a few precautions you should take beforehand. Use plastic to close off air vents so spores cannot travel to other parts of the home (especially if you have a return vent nearby). Open any windows in the room and place a fan exhausting to the outside. The previous step will provide you with fresh air as well as blowing the airborne spores outside where they belong.
Clean the mold on bathroom ceiling with a homemade solution of mild detergent and warm water, or any of the avalible bathroom mold removal products, either sprayed or rubbed on with a cloth. Let the area dry thoroughly. Bleach has not been proven to kill mold as it simply reverts to water very rapidly. I recommend using a mixture of straight vinegar and spraying the area vigorously and allowing soaking for at least 20 minutes. Allow this solution to dry thoroughly once again.
After you have cleaned and killed the mold in bathroom ceiling effectively it would be a wise move to apply a mold preventative substance such as Borax. When you apply borax simply mix it with warm water and spray it on. DO NOT rinse this off as it will leave a protective barrier that will inhibit mold from returning.
If you are having these types of mold problems in your bathroom then you should probably also check for mold in your tiles and grout. Bathroom tile mold removal is another area that is talked about in our article on mold remediation. A good read if you are having mold problems.