DIY Repair of Fiberglass or Acrylic Shower Surrounds

No matter how careful you are when using your shower surround kit, there are bound to be


Sandpaper (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

mishaps that will cause cracks or dings. This is especially true for households that have very active and boisterous children. If your shower kit is made from fiberglass or acrylic, you can easily make some minor repairs yourself. Read on to find out how to make a fiberglass shower repair.

First, assess the damage. If it’s a hole smaller than a quarter, then you should be able to easily handle it. Bad news is, for holes larger than a quarter, you’d be better off with simply replacing the whole walk in shower. In this economy though, that is much easier said than done. In that case, simply make do with these steps until you have enough money for a new unit. Cracks are a simpler concern: those up to ten inches in length can be repaired adequately, provided that it isn’t in a pressure-bearing location.

Go to your local hardware store and pick up a small bathtub – repair kit. There are many brands available. You have to choose the color that comes closest to the area to be repaired, so as to make it as inconspicuous as possible. Also pick up some non-abrasive cleaner, a putty knife to be used as an applicator, and a sheet of 600-grit wet-dry sandpaper.

When you get home, start by cleaning the damaged area thoroughly with the nonabrasive cleaner. The goal is to remove all debris and grit that might hamper optimum bonding with the repair putty. Rinse the area very thoroughly to ensure that there will be no residue from the cleaner itself. Dry completely using a clean, lint-free cloth.

If the repair kit you bought has reinforcement tape included, apply it directly to the small hole or crack. Next, create your putty by combing the resin with the coloring and hardener. Once the mixture is well-blended, spread the mixture over the reinforcement tape. Feather out the edges using the putty knife and aim to create as smooth a surface as you can. You can do this by develop a light-touched scraping technique over the damaged area.

Let the repair dry according to the directions specified on the package. After the prescribed length of time, sand the area with the 600-grit wet-dry sandpaper using some water. Try to get the area as smooth as possible.