A common problem in the household bathroom is toilet repair, or fixing a clogged toilet with a minimum of plumbing tools. It can happen from an excess use of tissue, dropping the soap or a problem with the water. This problem does not usually require the purchase of new toilet parts. There are various methods you can do to fix this problem. The first step is to stop flushing. All this will do is increase the height level of the water so avoid flushing. Protection is next. Before you begin put on rubber gloves and a mouth mask if you require it. Toilets can be quite unsanitary places so make sure you are well covered before performing any actions. Do not forget to cover the floor also.
If you are aware of what is causing the problem then this should help you decide the material you need. For excess tissue, soap, a toy, or another heavy object causing the clog then the plunger is needed. A large rubber plunger to be specific. Pump the plunger as far into the toilet as you can, do this a number of times until you notice the water beginning to drain. Try and cover the whole completely to really see some progress. That is why the larger the plunger the stronger it will be to resolve the problem.
If you have used the plunger for a long period of time and still have no success then its time to move onto a coat hanger or wire. You need to unravel it until it is straight. Then its just a matter of inserting it in the toilet as far as it can go. Twist it, push it in and do whatever methods you can think of to clear the blockage. If you are noticing progress then quickly return to the plunger. This should make it easier for the water to finally shift. It would be a good idea to have some dish soap in the bathroom, especially if a clogged toilet is a frequent problem.