Tag Archives: padded toilet seat

A Padded Toilet Seat For Your Comfort

People often tend to let their creative side slip right out the window when looking for a replacement to their porcelain toilet seat. Wives may send their husbands out to the home improvement stores for the same old cold and uncomfortable seat as they had before. Where is the fun or comfort in that? Why put up with the same boring (not to mention hard) toilet seat when you have the option of purchasing a padded toilet seat?

A padded toilet seat will provided a level of comfort above that which a porcelain or plastic seat can offer. Rather than sitting down in the mornings on an uncomfortable toilet seat, it would be a treat to yourself as well as one that is simple to achieve for virtually the same price tag, as you would find on seats of other materials.

Padded toilet seats also offer the advanced option of customization to add a touch of personality and style to your home. Instead of choosing the same dull white of typical toilet seats, express yourself with colors that will accent and enhance your home bathroom decorations. Perhaps the popularity of a green padded toilet seat will intrigue you, or more subtle hints of lavender, or maybe you just want to match the colors of your walk in shower.

Maybe you’re a little bolder and desire something that makes more of a statement than solid colors. Beach fans can bring the comfort of the ocean to their bathroom with padded toilet seats that picture rolling waves, or your favorite team logo for those who are avid sports fans. Custom design padded seats add a very specific touch of personality and flair to your bathroom while adding a splash of elegance. Whether you’re looking for animal prints, wooded themes or seasonal accents, they can all be found on the web, with only your imagination to limit the possibilities that can be achieved.

There’s no need to worry about the care and maintenance of your new padded toilet seat as they are constructed of a highly durable material and anti-bacterial agents that allow you to clean them with only warm water and some mild soap.

What are you waiting for? Dare to do something different, invest in a bold padded toilet seat and show off some of your style!