It can be a lot of fun to have an outdoor shower room, but you have to be careful that you take steps to create privacy. Here are some ideas to give you a sense of privacy as well as the feeling of taking your shower outdoors.
One way to achieve privacy is to have walls around the outdoor shower room. These walls can surround the shower either partially or completely and can be made of attractive natural materials such as wood or stone. In this way they will look right at home in nature. You can leave the top of the shower open to the sky, or you can put on a roof if you like.
You will preserve the sense of being outdoors if you leave the ceiling open to the air, but if you decide to cover it, you can do so in several attractive ways. For instance, if you put in frosted glass, the sunlight will still come through but no one will really be able to see you. Another option is to cover the shower with a canopy made of cloth that billows in the wind. This can still leave you with the sensation of being outdoors yet you will be protected from anyone watching you in the shower.
One way to create a sense of being enclosed yet open to nature is to use trees and bushes on at least one side of the shower. A folding screen can make an attractive side wall especially when used around a portable shower room.
Shower room accessories such as curtains can be installed using natural fabrics made from cotton or bamboo. These will enhance the outdoor feel of the outdoor shower room. Some very unique and interesting curtain fabrics are available such as curtains woven from grass or vines.
Using an outdoor shower room can make your showers very natural and invigorating, as long as you do not have to worry about your privacy being invaded. Fortunately with the right sort of enclosures and accessories you can maintain privacy yet still feel that you are part of the great outdoors.