When it comes to choosing a sink for your household, a majority of people settle for a metallic, plastic or a ceramic sink. There is nothing wrong in choosing these sinks which are reliable and long lasting. However, the taste and variety is changing now. Now, people are looking for some great bathroom sinks made out of glass. The best thing about these glass sinks is that they are available in many designs which vary from the conventional ones which are usually square or round.
These sinks give a neat, clean and more organized look to the area where they are installed and are equipped with features and colors that are generally not found in other varieties. The edges of the glass sink should be at least 2 in. wide, while the width varies from 15-21 inches and the depth from 5-9 inches. They are very visually appealing and can transform the look of your bathroom or the kitchen, where ever they are installed.
A colored glass sink can complement the look of your small bathroom fitted with dark color tiles. A bowl shaped vessel sink will do wonders for your kitchen.
The other variety of sinks that is hugely popular is called a Blanco sink. They are generally made up of two materials stainless steel and Silgranit, the later being a granite and resin composite material. They are of high quality and very durable material. They are resistant to heat stains, scratches and are user friendly. They not only add to the elegance of your bath but also have many aesthetic benefits. Once installed, either top mounted or as an undermount bathroom sink, they need to be properly cleaned at regular intervals to keep them shining and looking great for a very long time. A solution of vinegar in water in equal proportion can be used to clean these sinks.
All of these sinks are not expensive but a few can be a little costly, possibly an art glass sink. But still you can find these beautiful sinks for a lot less!